Friday, December 12, 2014

Winter Pineapple Classic

I know it has been almost a month since the run, but I wanted to post some quick pictures.  I also wanted to express my thanks for all those who donated.  I am extremely grateful for all those who were willing to help out and donate to such a great cause.  I hope that one day soon, we will hear the news that there is a cure for Leukemia.
Sarah and her dedication picture

Going up the last obstacle in race

Starting down the back side

Taking a break on the top

Almost down

Only a little muddy
Runners and Attendees
Sarah and her face paint
Lilly's Face Paint

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Halloween 2014

I just wanted to do a quick update to post the picture from Halloween.  This picture comes from the Trunk-or-Treat the Saturday before Halloween, but is a cute one of most of the family.  Thanks to Kim Barlow for taking an awesome picture.  We had a fun Halloween as a family.  The kids trick-or-treated at my office and also at our old neighborhood.  It was fun.
Dad, Lilly, Sarah and Gus

Don't forget to donate to the Winter Pineapple Classic.  Both Lilly and I are participating this year.  It is on Saturday.  Here is the link to my donation page:

Friday, October 24, 2014

My Birthday Wish

Tuesday was my Birthday.  Over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about what my birthday means to me and what would make it special.  I am at the stage in my life where I don't need much from a store.  As I have reflected, I have thought about the Winter Pineapple Classic and LLS behind it.  I wrote up a paragraph on my fundraising page, that has stuck with me and made me realize what I really want.  Whenever Sarah gets sick or gets a bruise, there is a fear that the Leukemia has returned.  While this fear isn't always visible, it is something that is in the back of my mind.  Watching my child suffer through cancer and the treatment of it, is one of the hardest things that I had to do in my life.  I was helpless to do anything.  I decided to continue to do the Winter Pineapple Classic as a way to do something.  It gives me the opportunity to support an organization that is trying to cure cancer.  While it does that, it is also supporting those who are in the middle of the fight with cancer.  So my birthday wish is to have you support LLS and other organizations fight cancer and work towards a cure.  That and make someone smile each day.
If you want to support me in the Pineapple Classic, please click on the picture above 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sarah's Seventh Birthday

Sarah celebrated her seventh birthday at the end of September.  She was excited for her birthday and asked for a Meep cake.  Meep is a character from a TV show called, Phineas and Ferb.  The caked turned out not too bad.  We decided to just have the family around for the Birthday party and had the cake on Sunday.

Sarah blowing out the candles

Meep Cake

As part of her birthday, she also asked to go out to breakfast to a restaurant.  She asks often since Victoria, Anna, and Victoria's kids were out visiting and they went to a cafe for breakfast.  I planned on taking her but was unable to around her birthday due to work. I was able to take her this past weekend.  She loved the food and I am sure will want to go out anytime that she can.

Don't forget that we are running for Sarah as part of the Winter Pineapple Classic.  There is a link on the side bar where you can donate to help raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  This group is focused on supporting the people fighting or trying to cure blood cancers.  Please think about supporting us and giving to a great organization.

Monday, September 15, 2014

End of Summer, Gus's Birthday and a Visit from Shannon

Summer is over and kids have started school.  We are back to getting everything back into the school structure.  We had a few fun activities and visitors before school started again.

The first was the Amazon company picnic.  It is hosted at CenturyLink field (the football stadium).  We had a lot of fun as a family.
Dad Helping Gus up a bouncy house

Lilly Crawling through a bouncy house

Face Painted

Face Painted


Gus and an Amazon mascot

Jess and Gus on a ride

Sarah coming down a slide

Jess's brother, Richard, and his family stopped by our house to visit.  The kids loved to play together and we hope that next time they can come and stay longer.  I was at work so I was unable to see them this time around, but the I heard none of the kids wanted to leave.

My cousins Anna and Victoria and Victoria's kids came to stay with us overnight.  Jess, Sarah and the cousins went to breakfast in the morning, and I went with them to a ropes course in the afternoon.  I had a little accident where I slipped and slid down ropes about 12 inches or so.  It caused a bunch of rope burns on my hands.  It was still fun despite the pain in my hands and the couple weeks that it took to heal.

Ready to go

Picture of the course

Victoria coming down in style

Summer finished off with Gus's Birthday.  He turned four years old and we are still waiting for the terrible threes to stop.  He asked for a firetruck cake, but he wanted the firetruck blue (after changing his mind a few times).  He LOVED the presents that he got and plays with them a lot.  He got a set of monster trucks from one of Mater's Tall Tales, (the monster truck wrestling one).  He got a marble maze tower game.  And he got a remote control car.  He loves each of them and plays with them over and over again!
Gus's Fire Truck Cake

Gus and his marble maze

Blowing out the birthday cake

Gus doing his marble maze

The kids started school in the beginning of September.  They moved to a different school, Highland Terrace. New house = New school.  They get to ride the bus to and from school as well.  Lilly's teacher is Mrs. Williams and Sarah's teacher is Mrs. McCary-Smith.  Both girls like their teachers and they enjoy being back in school, even if it does cut into their play time.  Lilly is in class with a boy named Joseph from church, (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).  Sarah is in class with a couple of girls that were in her kindergarten class at Parkwood Elementary last year.
First Day of School

Waiting for the bus can be crazy
We heard about one of the local fire stations getting renovated and they had an open house.  Gus and I stopped by to see the fire trucks and the fire station.  Gus got to sit in the fire trucks and was really excited.

Let's Go

Ready for the fire

Trying on the Equipment

I am in trouble if he thinks he can drive at 4.
Lastly, my sister Shannon visited us over this past weekend.  In July, Jess and I were looking at the theater and seeing if there was anything that we wanted to go to.  Brian Regan, Shannon's favorite comedian and one that helped made her smile during her recovery, was scheduled to come to Seattle in September.  We booked tickets and pinged Shannon to see if she wanted to come.  She jumped at the chance.  She flew in on Friday, when there was both a Sounders and a Mariner's game scheduled.  I ended up driving the car to work in the morning and taking the train to the airport to get Shannon.  
Shannon at the Airport

Brother and Sister
Jess, Shannon and I were able to have a fun night out.  There was another Mariners game on Saturday, so it took us an extra 30 minutes to get downtown.  That caused us to not go out to a sit down place for dinner but we grabbed something quick.  Shannon had scheduled for us to be able to meet Brian before the show (since he was leaving right after).  There were a bunch of groups that were meeting with him, so we only had a couple of minutes, but it was nice to be able thank him for bringing a smile to Shannon's face during some of her hard times.  Needless to say, but the show was hilarious! I know that Shannon knows most of his jokes by heart, but it was Jess and I's first show of his.  After the show, the three of us walked to the Cheesecake Factory for some cheesecake.  It was nice to get out and have a fun evening.

Don't forget that I am still looking for people to both run the Winter Pineapple Classic with me!!!  If you are interested, send me an email or sign up.  Also if you want to donate, see the previous post as it has the direct links.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Winter Pineapple Classic 2014 - Sign ups

So I am going to run the Winter Pineapple Classic again this year.  I have a few people who say they are going to run with me.  I would love to have more.  If you are interested, the team's name is "Sarah's Surfers."  Come join us.  It was a lot of fun last year and it will be fun this year.

If you are interested in just donating to help out, you can go here to my personal page on the site and donate or you can go to and click on donate and search for my name.  Thanks

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Catching up - Vacation and a House Break-in

So it has been almost two months since I last posted anything on the blog.  A lot has happened.  This will be a longer post.

The first half of July we spent in Utah on vacation.  We were able to spend time with family.  It was nice to get away from work and spend some time with those we love and those we don't get to see often.  We missed my older brother and his family while we were there with some of the extended Blackham family.  It would have been really nice to see him, Kim, and the kids.
Gus with a Sparkler

Gus with a Sparkler

Gus lighting a firework

Lilly lighting a firework

One of the weeks, we were able to go up to Park City and spend a few days in a condo that my parents have up there.  One of those days, we spent time at Park City Mountain Resort, doing the activities there.  Lilly and Sarah had a lot of fun on the Alpine Slide and the Alpine Coaster.  Lilly did her final run on the Alpine Coaster with me.  She told me not use brakes at all.  We went really fast and had lots of fun.
Sarah and Uncle Chad - Alpine Slide

Lilly and Aunt Kate - Alpine Slide

Gus on the Merry-Go-Round

Sarah on the Merry-Go-Round

Lilly on the trampoline

Lilly doing some flips on the tramp

Lilly doing some flips on the tramp

Sarah on the tramp

Sarah on the tramp

While we were on vacation, we got a call from the young women we had left in charge of the house while we were gone.  When she came over Sunday, the 6th of July;  she found that someone had broken into the house!  The master bedroom was ransacked and Jess's computer was missing.  We had a friend come over and meet the police who dusted for fingerprints and took a police report.  Our home teachers cleaned up our bedroom before we came home.  The thieves took a couple of computer's, some electronics, and jewelry.  We are still getting stuff put back away and listing everything that was taken.  At least there wasn't anyone in the home to get hurt.  It seems like they were interrupted, since they only took a few things.  They left my computer, as well as the TV and other electronics.  We have tried to take the attitude that it is only stuff.  However, it is still painful to have to go through and decide what needs to be replaced, as well as those things that can't be, like some of Jess's jewelry that she had since she was a child and wanted to hand down to our girls.  Some of it doesn't have much value, but has a lot of value to Jess.  We also need to decide what we need to do to the home to make it safer.

Our Bedroom

June saw us getting the home setup and settling into Summer, with the kids finishing school in their old school and getting out for Summer.  Shoreline and Seattle both have school through most of June.  The kids finished on June 20th this year.  Jess is already ready for the kids to get back to school.  We are looking for a few extra curricular things for the kids to get involved with this year.  We need to start the kids with piano lessons and do swim lessons as well.  All in good time.  :)

We planted a garden last week.  However, we did have to build it ourselves.  There wasn't a spot for it, so we dug out 5-6 feet from the fence line to make space for a garden.  It looks like there was a garden there at one point but the previous owner used wonderboard underneath the dirt.  We had to pull that out as we cut back the grass.  We have a few things planted and hopefully will have some stuff from the garden this year.

The kids helping to build a garden

The kids helping to build the garden

Gus and his chocolate addiction.  This was from a fondue night.

We are so grateful for all those who are around us and help us in various ways.  Thanks for all the support.