Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving week update

Sorry for the lack of an update this week.  It has been a busy week and I blame the turkey for being slow in getting the post up.  We saw Rob and Gloria off on Friday.  It was good to have them here and share Thanksgiving with them.  We loved having the help.

A couple of highlights from the week.  We were able to get a baby-sitter in on Monday and go out with Rob and Gloria as well as our friends the Barlows.  We went to an Indian place that we love, and the Barlows introduced us to some amazing gelato.  It was good to get out of the house with Jess and have a night away.  Thanksgiving was great, with lots of food.  It was a nice relaxing day too.  Jess, the girls and her parents were able to go on Friday to the last dress rehearsal for Cinderella that is coming to the 5th Ave theater this week.  They got tickets through the Make A Wish foundation.  They had lots of fun and were very excited.

Sarah was still on her antibiotic until Wednesday this week.  It took her a while to get her numbers back up.  Her ANC was ~350 on Wednesday.  This meant delaying the next round until this next week.  The benefit to that was that she didn't have to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving.  She has an appointment Monday morning.  If her ANC is above 750 (which we think it will be), then she has a back poke right after her appointment and she will be admitted on Tuesday for the next round.  That also means that we will start the 2yr clock.  We then have an end date for her treatment, which is exciting.

This next round of treatment will be different because Sarah will be admitted into the hospital every two weeks.  She is given a high dose of methotrexate and needs to clear it from her system before she is released.  This usually happens within a few days, but if she doesn't drink, it takes longer.  Hopefully, she will be in the mood to drink, as she hasn't been eating or drinking much the past week.  We also hope that Lilly and Gus are good for Jess, so she won't get too stressed with me in the hospital with Sarah.

We were all able to go to church today.  It was good to be there as a family.  Lots of people were excited to see Sarah.

We are grateful for all the love and support that we continue to receive.

1 comment:

  1. These posts just break my heart. I am so sorry for Sarah and for your family. You are in our prayers.
